CCT Resources

An Inuit Youth-led Communication Strategy Guide

The below protocol was created in two main stages. The first stage involved the Inuit Young Leaders Advisory creating and populating a template, through a collective discussion on priorities for the communication of project activities and findings. The template took the form of key questions around:

  1. Desired purpose
  2. Principles, messages
  3. Audiences
  4. Potential risks of communication, as well as mitigations of those risks
  5. How to measure impact
  6. The process to be followed for responding to enquiries,
  7. The process to be followed for co-authoring publications.

The second stage of development involved distillation of the key points of the communications protocol, from which the below infographic was created:

Lookout for the CINUK team’s forthcoming work ‘Communicating science from the Arctic – a collaborative protocol to mitigate harm’ which elaborates on this guide.