Andreas Athienitis

Co-Investigator, Concordia University

Dr. Andreas Athienitis is a Professor of Building Engineering at Concordia University. He  is Director of the Centre for Zero Energy Building Studies that he founded with his colleagues at Concordia University. He holds the Concordia University Research Chair in Solar Energy and a Hydro-Quebec Partnership Research Chair.  He is internationally recognized and a leader in smart net-zero energy solar buildings – a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, Fellow of International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA) and Fellow of American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning (ASHRAE).  He led as Principal Investigator the NSERC Smart Net-zero Energy Buildings Strategic Research Network and the NSERC Solar Buildings Research Network (total budget $20 M) with over 30 researchers from 15 Canadian Universities and about 30 industry and public sector partners. He was profiled as one of 25 top innovators in Québec by Actualité Magazine. He has received several awards, including the NSERC- ADRIQ Partnerships Award in 2012. He has published over 350 refereed papers, including nine that received best paper awards, and several books. He played a leading role in the conception and realization of several award-winning innovative buildings such as the Varennes net-zero energy Library, EcoTerra House and his own award-winning solar home. He has supervised over 100 graduate students 16 of whom have become professors around the world. He Chaired the Canadian Academy of Engineering “Roadmap to Resilient, Ultra-Low Energy Built Environment with Deep Integration of Renewables”.  In 2022-23 he led as Scientific Director the successful Concordia University CFREF proposal for $123M on “Electrification of Resilient and Decarbonized Communities (Volt-Age)” (2023-30) and now Chairs its Scientific Committee and leads Theme 1 on the built environment.

Role in Project: Quebec Principal Investigator, Professor, Dept. of Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering – part of the REMIROCaN Advanced Solar Integration team.